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The Definitive Book of Body Language - Book Review in 2 minutes

Pease, Allan & Barbara (2004), The Definitive Book of Body Language, London: Orion Books Ltd


The Definitive Book of Body Language is a textbook. It is not on the light read site of the shelf, content over readability. Allan and Barbara Pease first published the book back in 2004, and it seems like an offline Wikipedia for body language.

The book is divided into 19 chapters and builds up from the basic to more complex contextual understanding. I wrote down the entire content at the bottom of the article if you are interested. They start with general perception, not body language-based, to raise awareness and then gradually go more to explicit examples, discuss interpretation and using body language in business.

They cover what you might expect, with a surprisingly large portion focusing on the business perspective, discussing territory, seatings, building rapport, using and reading accessories and how to learn to read such clusters of signals.

For each chapter, they use a mixture of explicit gestures and descriptions. For instance, chapter 11 covers thirteen common gestures that we see daily and how to think about them. One example is the leaning backwards and spreading your legs move that we love when guys do it during rush hour in public transport.

In the penultimate chapters, they address seating positions and powerplay, politics, and being in control of your emotions, which I found by far the best and most valuable part of the book.

In general, I would say that what they do is raise awareness about you becoming aware of the signals you send. And they make a fair point about signals that men & women send differently and how the perception may be more important than reading others body language per se.

In this, I see the strength and probably also the weakness of the book.

On the one hand, you become more self-aware when reading this, and a ton of little hints and tricks work really well, like the seating positions and open or attractive gestures.

On the other hand, you can become excruciatingly self-aware when you do read this book.

I do dislike that the approaches are pretty much entirely western-centric, even the section about cultural differences. These parts often seem like they are a bit outdated. And in general, women are more portrayed to focus on sexual and submissive gestures, so not really a course of body language for women, in my opinion. You might also get the feeling that male positions are superior in almost every situation, as the book is written in a way that seems to support such a point of view.

To be fair, the book states that it is the result of 30 years of their work, so it also reads a bit like a collection of various articles and works about the topic from different stages during their career. Which also might explain why you might sigh at the difficulty of finding the adequate reference at the end of the book, as they are listed alphabetically. This left the academic part of my soul to groan in desperation.

All in all, I give it a 2 out of five. There is excellent advice in the book and the ideas, approaches, and examples are well-illustrated. The sections about seating, powerplay and cluster and so on are very well written and informative. Thus, I think it is definitely worth to have that overview and that is why I have it in the book store section.

There are some bits here and there that are outdated. To say the least. For instance, one section states that German and British people are disciplined and mirror people more than other cultures: That is why they dominated the world for many years (chapter 12). I had to laugh at that. What would that make Swiss and Japanese people? Do we secretly dominate the world? I guess. There are newer versions coming out every now and then, I am sure they keep reworking the book and take out blunders like these.


I wrote down the entire content list for you, have a look what they talk about.


All Things Are Not What They Seem

How Well Do You Know the Back of Your Hand?

How Well Can You Spot Body Language Contradictions? How We Wrote This Book

Your Body Language Dictionary

1. Understanding the Basics

In the Beginning ...

Why It's Not What You Say

How Body Language Reveals Emotions and Thoughts Why Women are More Perceptive

What Brain Scans Show

How Fortune-Tellers Know So Much

Inborn, Genetic or Learned Culturally?

Some Basic Origins

Universal Gestures

Three Rules for Accurate Reading

Why It Can be Easy to Misread

Why Kids are Easier to Read

Can You Fake it?

True-Life Story: The Lying Job Applicant

How to Become a Great Reader

2. The Power Is in Your Hands

How to Detect Openness

Intentional Use of the Palms to Deceive

The Definitive Book of Body Language

The Law of Cause and Effect Palm Power Our Audience Experiment

An Analysis of Handshake Styles

Who Should Reach First?

How Dominance and Control Are Communicated The Submissive Handshake

How to Create Equality

How to Create Rapport

How to Disarm a Power Player

The Cold, Clammy Handshake Gaining the Left Side Advantage When Men and Women Shake Hands The Double-Hander

The Blair—Bush Power Game

The Solution

The World's Eight Worst Handshakes The Arafat-Rabin Handshake Summary

3. The Magic of Smiles and Laughter

Smiling Is a Submission Signal Why Smiling Is Contagious How a Smile Tricks the Brain Practising the Fake Smile Smugglers Smile Less

Five Common Types of Smiles

Why Laughter Is the Best Medicine

Why You Should Take Laughter Seriously Why We Laugh and Talk, But Chimps Don't How Humour Heals

Laughing Till You Cry

How Jokes Work

The Laughter Room

Smiles and Laughter Are a Way of Bonding Humour Sells

The Permanent Down-Mouth


Smiling Advice For Women Laughter In Love


4. Arm Signals

Arm Barrier Signals

Why Crossed Arms Can be Detrimental Yes...But I'm Just 'Comfortable' Gender Differences Crossed-Arms-on-Chest


Reinforced Arm-Crossing Arm-Gripping

The Boss vs The Staff Getting the Thumbs-Up Hugging Yourself

How the Rich and Famous Reveal their Insecurity The Coffee Cup Barrier

The Power of Touch

Touch their Hand Too


5. Cultural Differences

We Were Having Pizza at the Time

Take the Cultural Test

Why We're All Becoming American

Cultural Basics are the Same Almost Everywhere Greeting Differences

When One Culture Encounters Another

The English Stiff-Upper-Lip

The Japanese

'You Dirty, Disgusting Pig!' - Nose Blowing

The Three Most Common Cross-Cultural Gestures To Touch or Not to Touch?

How to Offend Other Cultures Summary



The Definitive Book of Body Language

6. Hand and Thumb Gestures

How the Hands Talk

On the One Hand...

On the Other Hand, Gestures Improve Recall Rubbing the Palms Together

Thumb and Finger Rub

Hands Clenched Together

The Steeple


The Face Platter

Holding Hands Behind the Back

Thumb Displays Thumbs-Protruding-from-Coat-Pocket Summary

7. Evaluation and Deceit Signals

Lying Research

The Three Wise Monkeys

How the Face Reveals the Truth

Women Lie the Best and That's the Truth Why It's Hard to Lie

Eight of the Most Common Lying Gestures Evaluation and Procrastination Gestures The Lying Interviewee

Chin Stroking

Stalling Clusters

Head Rubbing and Slapping Gestures

Why Bob Always Lost at Chess

The Double Meaning

8. Eye Signals

The Dilating Pupils

Take the Pupil Test

Women Are Better at It, as Usual Giving Them the Eye

The Eyebrow Flash


Eye Widening

The 'Looking Up' Cluster

How Men's Fires Get Lit

Gaze Behaviour - Where Do You Look?

How to Keep Eye Contact in a Nudist Colony How to Grab a Man's Attention

Most Liars Look You in the Eye

How to Avoid being Attacked or Abused

The Sideways Glance

Extended Blinking

Darting Eyes

The Geography of the Face

The Politician's Story

Look Deep Into My Eyes, Baby

The First 20 Seconds of an Interview

What Channel Are You Tuned to?

How to Hold Eye Contact with an Audience How to Present Visual Information

The Power Lift


9. Space Invaders - Territories and Personal Space

Personal Space

Zone Distances

Practical Applications of Zone Distances Who Is Moving In on Whom?

Why We Hate Riding in Lifts

Why Mobs Become Angry

Spacing Rituals

Try the Luncheon Test

Cultural Factors Affecting Zone Distances Why Japanese Always Lead When They Waltz Country vs. City Spatial Zones

Territory and Ownership

Car Territory

Take the Test




The Definitive Book of Body Language

10. How the Legs Reveal What the Mind Wants to Do

Everybody's Talking About a New Way of Walking How Feet Tell the Truth

The Purpose of the Legs

The Four Main Standing Positions

Defensive, Cold or 'Just Comfortable'? How We Move from Closed to Open The European Leg Cross

The American Figure Four

When the Body Closes, so Does the Mind Figure Four Leg Clamp

The Ankle Lock

The Short Skirt Syndrome

The Leg Twine


Put Your Right Foot In, Put Your Right Foot Out Summary

11. The 13 Most Common Gestures You'll See Daily

The Head Nod

Why You Should Learn to Nod

How to Encourage Agreement

The Head Shake

The Basic Head Positions

The Head Shrug

Picking Imaginary Lint

How We Show We're Ready for Action

The Cowboy Stance

Sizing Up the Competition

The Legs-Spread


Straddling a Chair

The Catapult

Gestures That Show When a Person is Ready The Starter's Position


12. Mirroring - How We Build Rapport

Creating the Right Vibes

Mirroring on a Cellular Level

Mirroring Differences Between Men and Women What to Do About It if You're Female

When Men and Women Start to Look Alike

Do We Resemble Our Pets?

Monkey See, Monkey Do

Matching Voices

Intentionally Creating Rapport

Who Mirrors Whom?


13. The Secret Signals of Cigarettes, Glasses and Make-up

The Two Types of Smokers

Differences Between Men and Women Smoking as a Sexual Display

How to Spot a Positive or Negative Decision Cigar Smokers

How Smokers End a Session

How to Read Glasses

Stalling Tactics


Wearing Glasses on the Head

The Power of Glasses and Make-up

A Little Lippy, Lady?

Briefcase Signals


14. How the Body Points to Where the Mind Wants to Go 279

What Body Angles Say How We Exclude Others Seated Body Pointing Foot Pointing




The Definitive Book of Body Language

15. Courtship Displays and Attraction Gestures

The Emergence of the Colourful Male Graham's Story

Why Women Always Call the Shots Differences Between Men and Women The Attraction Process

The 13 Most Common Female Courtship Gestures and Signals

How Beautiful People Miss Out

What Men Look At in Women's Bodies

Is He a Bum, Boobs or Leg Man?

Male Courtship Signals and Gestures

Men's Bodies - What Turns Women On the Most Is She a Chest, Legs or Bum Gal?


16. Ownership, Territory and Height Signals

Body Lowering and Status

He's a Big Man Around Town

Why Some People Seem Taller on TV Try the Floor Test

Body Lowering and Status

He's a Big Man Around Town

Why Some People Seem Taller on TV Try the Floor Test

The Downsides of Height

How Body Lowering Can Sometimes Raise Status How TV Politicians Can Win Votes

How to Placate Angry People

What's Love Got To Do With It?

Some Strategies For Gaining Perceived Height Summary

17. Seating Arrangements - Where to Sit and Why

Take the Table Test

It's Not What You Say, It's Where You Sit


King Arthur's Concept

Keeping Two People Involved Rectangular Board Tables

Why Teacher's Pet Sits On the Left

Power Plays at Home

How to Make an Audience Cry The Attention Zone

An Experiment in Learning Getting a Decision Over Dinner Summary

18. Interviews, Power Plays and Office Politics

Why James Bond Looked Cool, Calm and Collected

The Nine Golden Keys to Making Great First Impressions When Someone Keeps You Waiting

Fake It Till You Make It?

Seven Simple Strategies for Giving You the Extra Edge Summary

Office Power Politics

How to Switch Table Territories

Seated Body Pointing

How to Re-arrange an Office Summary

19. Putting It All Together

How Well Can You Read Between the Lines? How Did You Rate?


The Six Secrets of Attractive Body Language


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